This is a detailed description of GIF2XTS (previously known as gifxts) 4.3. It is available so that you can get a feeling for the programs' capabilities before downloading the program. If it sounds interesting, go for it. If you have questions about the capabilities that you want answered before you download, drop me an E-mail, or start a thread in the CRAFTS forum. I'll get back to you. My CIS id is 70431,1427. (Internet address is 70431.1427@COMPUSERVE.COM) PURPOSE & SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: The purpose of this program is to take a GIF, and generate a counted cross stitch chart. It requires an IBM or compatible running DOS (4.0 or higher), 513K of free memory (in the lower 640K). A mouse is optional. A monitor with CGA or better. Printer support includes 9-pin, 24-pin, HP-desk jet, laser jet and paint jet. Basically any printer that emulates HP or Epson. GIF2XTS can load any GIF image, up to 640x480. Each of the pixel colors will be translated into a symbol. GIFXTS can handle 254 different colors/symbols. Although the display uses only 14 colors, there can be 254 DIFFERENT symbols. The program can be controlled by either the mouse, or the keyboard. The sensitivity of the mouse is adjustable, by entering horizontal and/or vertical sensitivity number when starting the program. The mouse can also be turned off, if desired. There are 2 different display modes: a gird of symbols and a gif viewer mode. The grid is a section of a 640x480 grid. Each individual grid square represents 1 stitch/pixel. The borders of the image are represented by a thick black line. Every 10th line, both vertical and horizontal are dashed. An 'X' is shown to mark the "current" square. The 'X' moves in relation to the mouse, or the arrow keys. Across the top of the display is a list of drop-down menus, and options. These options can be selected via the mouse, or the keyboard. The gif viewer mode display the image, as a GIF viewer, without the grid lines. This image shows a "true" representation of the image. If the stitches/inch:rows/inch ratio (SEE BELOW), the image could exceed the borders of the screen. The image can be scrolled up/down and left/right, as required. When using this mode, is it possible to go to other gif viewer mode functions without returning to the grid mode. Using the mouse/keyboard, individual symbols can be added or deleted to the grid. Using the EDIT menu, ALL occurances of a symbol can be delete, replaced with another symbol, and ALL blank squares can be filled. There is also a cut & paste option that, using the gif viewer mode and a box, allows areas of the image to the deleted, copied and/or moved. The size of the image can be changed. Rows and/or columns can be added to the edge of the image, inserted into the the image, or deleted from the image. The image can also by "clipped" by moving the borders of the image, and deleting all symbols past the new borders. The image can also manipulated to fit a different size. The program will automatically adjust the image to fit. A preview of the new image will be given, and the new size can be saved to a file, or printed, without changing the currently loaded image. It is possible to SCALE the image. The scaling is controlled by specifing the ratio(s) to increase (1:many) or decrease (many:1) the height and/or width of the image. The height can be scaled independently of the width. You cannot SCALE image greater than 640x480. In addition to, and in conjunction with, scaling, it is possible to specify the desired height and/or width. Thus an image originally 100x100 can be changed to 250x200 by specifing the new dimensions. Whenever the size is being changed, by scaling or sizeing, the menu has a DO IT NOW option. This allows BOTH dimensions to be changed before actually seeing the modified image. Using the information menu, the stitches/inch and rows/inch gauge can be independently manipulated. The visual display, both the grid and the GIF viewer mode, will show the "true" ratio of stitches/inch:rows/inch. The grid will be drawn with multiple symbols in each square, the GIF views will be drawn using multiple pixels for each square. Thus if the ratio is 2:1, the grid will be drawn with 2 symbols, the GIF view will show an image twice a high as wide. When printing the chart, or creating a GIF file of the chart, the ouput will look identical to the display, with multiple symbols in each square, as required. PRINTING can be accomplished by either creating a GIF image of the chart, to be printed later by a GIF print utility, or by printing directly to a printer. In order to print to the printer, you MUST run SETPRINT to create a print configuration file. You can "print" either the entire image, or select a section of the image to print. When selecting a section to print, a GIF view of the image is presented. A box is displayed on the image. The box can be moved and/or re-shaped or re-sized to select the area to be printed. There is also a LIBRARY utility. You can set up a library and load it with "elements" to be incorporated into the image. You can create as many libraries as you want and load them with as many elements as you want. NOTE: REGISTERED USERS WILL RECIEVE A LIBRARY OF ABC's and 123's. This program is distributed as shareware. The price is $25.00 ($30.00 if registering via CIS) Registered users recieve a copy of the program WITHOUT an obnoxous reminder to register, minor upgrades automatically mailed, MAJOR upgrades available via mail (for $5.00) or via download of an encrpyted file. In addition, registered users will recieve, with the program, a library of ABC's and 123's. The FIRST person reporting a problem that is verified, will recieve a FREE copy of the minor upgrade via USPS, regardless of registeration status. Non-registered users will recieve the non-registered copy, registered users will recieve a FREE major upgrade.